Ill take a small break from writing about the North trip (/there will be more, don't worry) and tell about the wonderful festival i was lucky enough to experience yesterday. Now it is harvest time in India and with that comes the festival of colors! People gather on the streets and in the societies and play with water and color-powder. Its so much fun.! The night before there is held a big bonfire in the villages and in the building societies. They do pooja (De tilbeder ilden og beder for et gunstigt udbytte) to the fire and roast coconuts! Then on the actual day of holi (which was yesterday) I went to a big holi party along with a bunch of other exchangestudents and around 100 other people everyone was in crisp clean white shirts that would soon be ruined by the fun games involving gulal (the colorful powders used everywhere on this day). We would mix it in a bit of water and splash it all over each other! We had a blast!

Before & After
Its also a tradition on this day that you do Bhang, an indian 'drug' put in a sweet milk drink called Thandai and gets you high for days! Of course we didnt do that. But walking on the road you would see so many people obviously under the influence of something (if it was alcohol or Bhang - ill never know, but it sure was fun to watch! )

Even the dog on mahalaxmi station had been playing holi!